Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cleaning your tools

This fall, when you have done your final mow, put your beds to rest, and raked your last, take a look around any tools or supplies left out.

There is something satisfying, and symbolic about putting away your tools properly for the winter. Caring for your tools can add years to their life, and it’s a joy having them ready and waiting next season.

Start with a good cleaning, if they are really dirty, soak for a few minutes, and then use a wire brush to get rid of any soil.

Dry thoroughly, and remove any rust with a piece of steal wool (be sure to wear gloves)

Sharpen the tool if has a cutting edge (this may include trowels, shovels, and hoes) Secure or hold the tool, and draw a sharpening file across the edge at a 45 degree angle.

Apply a thin coat of motor oil, or rust protector to the metal parts.

Spray moving parts with a penetrating lubricating oil

Check handles for splinters, and sand of any rough spots.Treat, refinish, or rub in paste wax to seal the wood.

Store in a dry spot preferably up off damp concrete floors.

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